Typhoid/ आन्तरिक ज्वर

 Typhoid/ आन्तरिक ज्वर

Typhoid-आन्तरिक ज्वर

मन्थर ज्वर / आन्तरिक ज्वर - co-relate of typhoid. सन्निपातज ज्वर because of त्रिदोष included.

निदान -
  1. अतिमार्गगमन 
  2. अतिउपवस 
  3. दूषित खाद्य पेय सेवन 
सम्प्राप्ति -
निदान सेवन  > दोष प्रकुपित  > दोषो का आन्त्र में प्रवेश  > आन्त्र में रसादि धातुओं का कुपित होना  > आन्तरिक ज्वर (मन्थर ज्वर )

पूर्वरूप -
  1. शिरो व्यथा  (Headache )
  2. अरुचि (Anorexia )
  3. मलबद्धता (Constipation )
  4. अरती (बेचैनी ) (Restlessness )
रूप /लक्षण -
  • ज्वर 
  • पलीहावृधि 
  • रक्तवर्ण जीह्वा 
  • आध्मान 
  • विबंध 
Typhoid-आन्तरिक ज्वर

साध्यासाध्यता -
साध्य परन्तु अपथ्य सेवन - असाध्य 

उपद्रव -
अनंगत स्राव (Intestinal bleeding )
उदरशूल (Pain in abdomen )
आन्त्र विदार (Perforation )


Also called Enteric fever or Water bone, caused by contaminated food and water, it is a bacterial infection.
causative organism is Salmonella typhi, parathyphoid - Salmonella paratyphi A and B . it spreader by human to human by 5F which is Feaces and urine, Flies, Food, Finger, Fomites(non living object that carries pathogens eg. utensils, water tap)

Incubation period-
10 to 14 days
Typhoid-आन्तरिक ज्वर

Salmonella typhi enters our body through contaminated food and drinks, it remains asymptomatic upto 2 weak, invades the payers pathes of small intestine, paroliferate into large number, large number of bacteria invade blood stream. Here clenical feature appears. Then immunological reaction begin after 10 days, The bacteria localises in lymphnodes of small intestine, Heamorrhagic Lymphadenitis ( enlargement of lymphnodes. > ulcer > Intestinal perforation (complication of Typhoid), Invade other organs. If gall bladder then cholecystitis (inflamation of gall bladder), Spleen - spleenomegally , Liver - necrosis, Joints-Arthritis.

Clinical featurs-
1. Fever - High and gradually increases. Step ledder type fever.
2. Rash - Rose red spot, abdomen and back, end of 1 week
3. Relative - Bradycardia (slow heart rate blow 60 B/min )
4. Anorexia
5. Malaise
6. Headache

Reservoir of infection-
Persistence of organism Gall Bladder and urinary tract may result passage of organism through feces and urine creating a carrier state for source of infection of other human.

1. Widal Test - It is done for - S.Typhi, S.paraty.
It is an immunological reaction i.e. antigen antibody reaction, Widal kit contain stained antigen.
2. CBC - Leucopenia- low lukocytes
Neutropenia- low neutrohyll
Lymphocytocis - high lymphocytes
3. Stool culture
4. Urine culture
5. Typho DOT kit

After toilet use etc. handwash properly.

Typhoid Fever treatment

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